At we encourage our customers to rate our service and share their true opinion. This page compiles a large number of unedited, real reviews by customers over the years we've been in business. Since we started back in 2002, we have seen some ups and downs, but we have become experts with unmatched service in the last years and we are happy that those who use our hosting appreciate that.
Here is how our customers rated us and all reviews they wrote since the very beginning
You have absolutely the best service (and fast)! I'll warmly recommend your company! Matti Mattilla
Always easy to knock a service but i must say the service last evening from both dan and Ann was first class. 20 minutes to fix a coding issue i had and they even explained what i had done incorrectly to save the problem in the future - a big thanks to your team. Alan
I'm a fan of, in the past I've found your support and services to be excelent so I'd like to stick with you if at all possible.” Nick JP
Well I've been testing the server and had some questions for tech and customer support and would like to say that I am very please with I would like to know of there is a particular review site you would like me to send a review too because I think you deserve it. The servers are fast, the support is precise and timely, overall excellent value for money. Jeff Davanzo
Thank you for the fantastic service you provide to our organisation. I have just had a support request responded to and resolved within an hour. That's almost unheard of. Debra
on behalf of QEST
I'm a fan of, in the past I've found your support and services to be excelent so I'd like to stick with you if at all possible.” Jim RICKARDS
Customer Services & Support Manager
Maxial Solutions Pty Limited
Whether it is an enquiry, a suggestion, or a complaint, please don't hesitate in contacting us. We will be more than glad to hear from you and we will respond to your request as soon as we can.
Contact us via our 24/7 Helpdesk. Please remember to include your name and your site's domain name!