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Stats about our Reseller Hosting Servers

Average server uptime for this month: 99.9987%
Network Uptime: 100%
Spam blocked since Jan 2008: 5,232,566 (updated weekly)
Average Managed Reseller Hosting Client respond time: 34 mins
Average Standard Reseller Hosting respond time: 27 mins

Move your accounts to Flexihostings Reseller Hosting Plans and we'll:

Standard Reseller Hosting Support Guarantee

Beside our 100% uptime guarantee, you will also be protected by our support guarantee. Though for our Private label reseller hosting accounts, it does not include support service for your clients, our team of support engineers will work closely with you to resolve anyissues you may have whilst using our service.

What does our reseller hosting support guarantee covers?

Beside our 100% server uptime guarantee, we will assure you that your queries are attended by our support engineers within 60 minutes.

To qualify for our reseller hosting support guarantee, you must submit your ticket via our helpdesk under the reseller hosting support department. Why so? It's because email / ticket submit under this department will receive high priority attention by our support engineers.

What's the remedy if we do not meet our reseller hosting support guarantee?

You'll be compensated! For every instances that we fail to attend to your queries within 60 minutes, we will add 2 extra days to your reseller hosting account with us.